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Forbes: skilling & coaching key to economic recovery for women.

Working women bore the brunt of the economic downturn caused by the global pandemic. While labor market participation is now up overall, American women are still down 829,000 jobs from February 2020 — with the greatest impact being felt by caregivers in lower-skilled jobs.

This is not just an issue in the United States though. In fact, economic recovery opportunities for working women is a global concern and one that received attention at the World Economic Forum in Davos earlier this year. 

“More than ever, businesses need to reduce economic disparity by helping working-class women acquire more marketable skills and advance their careers through training, development and coaching support,” writes Rebecca Henderson, board member and CEO of Global Businesses for Randstad. “Upskilling, coaching and mentoring are excellent ways to drive parity in the workplace.”

Henderson advises business leaders to identify skills gaps and give attention to immediate learning needs, while also ensuring that the women are aware of career development initiatives. Employees, regardless of gender, also need to be given the time to learn new skills, she says.

Read the full article in Forbes to better understand the implications for working women in today’s labor market. You can also gain new workplace insights when you follow the Randstad Sourceright COVID-19 talent continuity stream.