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dealing with redundancies and reduction in the workforce.

While reductions in workforce are an unfortunate reality in business, how they are handled can have a listing impact on employees who are let go — and those who remain. For more on this topic, Hary Botka, managing director, Randstad Workforce Advisory Group, sits down with Lindsay Witcher, senior vice president, Sales and Customer Success, Randstad RiseSmart, to discuss how to implement workforce reductions in a transparent and respectful way.

In this Q&A podcast, you’ll learn:

  • why proper planning and messaging are so important during times of reduction (2:02)
  • how services like those from Randstad RiseSmart can help (4:39)
  • the effects on remaining employees and the customer base when reductions aren’t handled well (7:08)
  • how to make the workforce reductions as human as possible (12:58)

You can also listen to this podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

After you listen, explore more workforce management strategies that will help you thrive in economic uncertainty.

Listen to the complete podcast series: